Friday, March 4, 2011

Since You Guys Love PSA's So Much...

Take pictures of each other with your mouths open.  Then your facial reactions like someone is hitting you and photoshop it all together using those techniques I taught you.  Make it seem like Bullying hurts even if it's just words.  The idea with a PSA is to show emotion and make people feel your message and not just read it.  Think of the saddest thing you can and put that into an image that conveys the feeling of being bullied.  You'll know when it's really sad because it'll make you want to cry.

Utilize words as fake bruises and wrap them around peoples body's to make it look like Bullying hurts even if it's words.  You can type in stuff that a bully says.

Use the photoshop tricks I taught you.  Like combining 2 fruits or in this case combine broken cups with a human to show how fragile human life is.

Remember you don't always have to bring awareness you can also make people aware and show them that they have the power to stop it.

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